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PURE Peru!

Experience exotic cultures
& fascinating landscapes

Experience this multicultural country full of traditions, cultural treasures, breath-taking nature, fantastic cuisine and its amiable inhabitants on a unique time travel through Peruvian history. No one can escape the spell of the wild beauty of the snow-capped ice giants and turquoise blue lagoons. Everyone wants to uncover the secrets of the mystical sites of these ancient cultures.

Who doesn't dream of at least once in a lifetime hiking through desert landscapes and huge sand dunes to oases and forgotten mummy tombs of millennia-old cultures or of bathing their feet in the Pacific Ocean, before going on to explore the deep, densely overgrown jungle of Peru and its wildlife in a canoe on the rivers of the Amazon.

Do you feel like strolling through the colourful streets of charming colonial towns, enjoying the excellent Peruvian cuisine or a refreshing Pisco Sour?

Come along and get to know the whole diversity of the cultural, coastal, mountain and jungle regions on this round trip of: Pure Peru!



Day 1 – Arrival in Lima - "City of Kings" / Peru (always on Saturdays)

Welcome to Peru! After our arrival in Lima, we will already be expected by our tour guide and brought to our hotel.
Our overnight stay will be in Lima at the ***Pucllana Bed & Breakfast Boutique Hotel or equivalent. (No meals included). Journey time: 1h

Day 2 – Capital Metropolis Lima, Legendary Panamericana, Legendary Desert Oasis Huacachina & the Famous Pisco Sour!

In the morning, we will explore the colonial centre of the 10-million metropolis: Lima. Among other things, we will visit the "Plaza Mayor", which is surrounded by a mighty cathedral, the archbishop's palace and the government palace. In the crypt of the cathedral is the tomb of the city's founder, the conqueror Francisco Pizarro. We will be able to marvel at the famous monastery "San Francisco," with its historic library and underground catacombs.
After this, we will drive along the legendary Panamericana (the Pan-American Highway), which, by over 25,000km, connects the northern Alaska with Tierra del Fuego at the southern tip of South America, in an almost continuous highway. Our route will take us along the wild Pacific coast to the romantic desert oasis "Huacachina". This lagoon is embedded in 100m high sand dunes - the highest in Peru. There are many legends about the origins of the oasis, which your guide will tell you all about on site.
Maybe at the "Pisco" tasting? For this, we will go to "El Catador" after lunch. Founded in 1856, this local alcoholic beverage "Pisco" is produced here in a traditional way. You'll be able look over the winemaker's shoulder, as he shows and explains the process to us. You'll then no doubt be curious for the following Pisco Tasting. It tastes a bit like grapes and sultanas, don't you think? Pure or as a "Pisco Sour" cocktail, the distilled grape brandy is a delight. Well then - "Cheers!"
Optionally, you can take a crazy four-wheel buggy tour through the sand dunes in the late afternoon. Ask your tour guide, if you would be interested.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hosteria Suiza directly at the lagoon or equivalent. (Breakfast & Lunch included) Walking time: 2h / Travel time: 4.0h

Day 3 – Fortune-Telling Witches & the One Sweet Temptation

In the morning, we will set off for the Village of the Witches: Cachiche. Many of the inhabitants are said to have supernatural powers. The most revered witch of Cachiche was Julia Hernández Pecho. This sorceress predicted that the city of Ica would perish and that the palm tree with the seven heads would turn green. This all happened in 1998, as an "El Niño" flooded the whole city only a few days later!
After those of us who chose to have their palm or cards read by the witches will have had their future told, we'll then all continue on our journey. With a rattling tuk-tuk, we will take a short city tour through Ica, the City of Eternal Summer. The highlight of the local Museo Regional will without doubt be the large collection of human mummies. The elongated heads of the "Paracas" are interpreted by many scientists to have been a deliberate deformation that had set the elite apart from the rest of the population.
After this cultural stop, you'll definitely want something sweet! In the chocolate shop "Helena", where traditional Peruvian chocolates and pralines are made, such as the "Tejas" and "Chocotejas" - you will definitely want to try some of these handmade treats!
Afterwards, we will take the bus to Nazca. Those who would like to get an overview of the enigmatic "Nazca Lines" and the geoglyphs (large designs created on the ground), which extend over several square kilometres, will have the opportunity to do so on an optional sightseeing round trip on this afternoon.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel Oro Viejo or equivalent in Nazca (Breakfast & Lunch included) Travel time: 2.5h / Walking time: 2.5h

Day 4 – 1,000-year-old Mummies in Desert Tombs

After a hearty breakfast, we will drive deep into the desert. Our destination: The over 1,000-year-old mummy cemetery "Chauchilla". It was also once an important filming location for the famous "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" film.
The mummies were originally found in a crouched position, embedded in burial holes and facing south. Some of them were even found to have a long skull, typical of the Nazca culture. Since a long skull was considered the ideal of beauty, sometimes even small babies had boards tied to their heads to influence the shape of their heads.
The dry climate and the high salt and nitrate content of the sand enabled natural mummification and has for centuries preserved not only skulls and bones, but also mummies complete with their long hair, colourful robes, tools and ceramic vessels. Nowadays, this is the only place in Peru where mummies can be seen in their original tombs.
Afterwards, we will visit a small gold workshop where the local miners will be able to explain more about the extraction process of this prized mineral to us. We will also be able to meet the master ceramist Tobi. Tobi is a ceramist specialising in Nazca art. He obtained all his knowledge from his father, who is now over 100 years old, and to this day, Tobi continues the traditions of his father's workshop.
After a long but varied drive, we will arrive late in the evening in the colonial city of Arequipa, situated at an altitude of 2,335m, where all the buildings are made of white sillar stone.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Casa Andina Standard or equivalent in Arequipa (Breakfast & Lunch included) Walking time: 1.5h / Journey time: 9.5h

Day 5 – Visit Juanita & Salsa Dance in the "White City" of Arequipa

During the morning tour of the city, we will visit the San Camilo market, the local cathedral, the "Santuarios Andinos" museum - which houses the almost perfectly preserved mummy of "Juanita" - as well as the famous "Santa Catalina" convent, built in the second half of the 16th century. The convent first opened to the public only in 1970. It is like a miniature-sized city in its own right, where up to 400 nuns once lived. During the time of the Viceroyalty, it functioned almost completely independently of the outside world.
A language teacher will also give us some important insights into the Inca language "Quechua", as well as into the Spanish language, during the tour on this day.
After lunch, we will visit a local social project, where children in need are given a home. Depending on the age group, we will be able to help the residents with their homework or play with the youngest among them.
In the evening, we will swing our hips during a one-hour salsa dance class, which will be followed by a "practical test" of our skills, in a small, lovely dance bar.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Casa Andina Standard or equivalent in Arequipa (Breakfast & Lunch included) Walking time: 4,5h / driving time: 0,5h

Day 6 – Visit to an Inca Family in the Colca Canyon

As they were only first connected to the outside world in the 1970s, the villages of the picturesque Colca Valley have preserved traditional costumes and life to this day. This is even more true for their agriculture, which is practised almost unchanged on 1,000-year-old cultivation terraces.
We will arrive in Chivay at noon and continue to a local indigenous farmer's family in Coporaque, where we will be able to eat together and we'll also spend the night in local simple lodgings. We may also have the opportunity to taste the ancient beer of the Incas: "Chicha" - a fermented corn drink.
Our overnight stay will be **With Local Farming Families in the Colca Canyon (Full Board) Walking time: 1h / Journey time: 3.5h

Day 7 – Condors "The Kings of the Air" & Lake Titicaca

After an early breakfast, we will drive into the more than 100km long Colca Canyon, which, at its deepest point, measures 3,400m (making it twice as deep as the Grand Canyon) to the viewpoint "Cruz del Condor". With a bit of luck, we will be able to observe the majestic condors in their gliding flights over the depths of the canyon. The condor - "The King of the Air" - is one of the most important creatures in Inca and pre-Inca mythology and is still held in high regard by the indigenous population.
After this visit, we will continue on to Puno.
Our overnight stay will be at the *** Hotel Intiqa or equivalent in Puno (Breakfast & Lunch included) Walking time: 1.5h / Travel time: 6.5h

Day 8 – Living with the Colla Inca on an Island in the Middle of Lake Titicaca

After traversing the deep blue Lake Titicaca to its centre, we will arrive at the floating Reed Islands, which are made of the indigenous "totora" reed. The inhabitants of the islands fled to the middle of lake because of a conflict with the "Colla" Indians. They have lived on the 50 to 70 islands for centuries. On the idyllic "Isla Amantani", we will integrate ourselves into the village community, splitting up into twos among the indigenous families. Here, we will need to communicate with gestures and signs, as these families only speak Quechua and Spanish.
In the afternoon, we will hike together to one of the two mountains on the island - "Pachamama" or "Pachatata" - wherewe will enjoy a magnificent view of the sunset over the lake from a temple. Afterwards, we will immerse ourselves in this unique culture by having dinner and making music together.
Our overnight stay will be in simple accommodation with the indigenous people on Amantani Island (Breakfast & Dinner included) Walking time: 3h / Travel time: 0.5h

Day 9 – On the Island of Knitting Men

In the morning, we will say goodbye to our friendly hosts and go by boat to the island of "Taquile", which is known for its local knitting men. The men make special caps that let the initiated know at a glance whether the wearer is still single, on the lookout for a bride or already married. The "Taquileños" are organised in a cooperative that dutifully abide by their commandments, which dated back to Inca times: "Ama suwa, ama llulla, ama qilla" (Do not steal, do not lie, do not be lazy). That is why the locals do without the presence of a police unit on their island.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel Intiqa or equivalent in Puno (Breakfast & Lunch included) Walking time: 2.5h / travel time (boat): 2,0h

Day 10 – Journey Through the Altiplano to the Inca Capital of Cuzco

On this day, we will continue our journey by coach across the high plateau of the Andes - the Altiplano - to Cuzco. On this journey we will no doubt often find ourselves breathless, as we pass through an authentic and picturesque landscape complete with mountain ridges and herds of alpacas. Though this may also be due to the lack of oxygen at 4500 metres above sea level, but of course it will also be because of the phenomenal landscape.
On the way, we will visit the ruins of "Pucara", with its many roofs adorned with clay bulls. Pucara's inhabitants, even before the Incas, had also carved numerous large images - so-called geoglyphs - into the ground. These, in contrast to the Nazca Lines, had also served as channels for the local irrigation system.
Afterwards, we will continue on to the church of Andahuaylillas, which dates back to 1580 and is also known as the "Sistine Chapel of the Andes". We will no doubt be fascinated by its colourful murals, finest frescoes and a golden altar.
Leaving the church, we will then drive to the pre-Inca site "Raqchi", passing between snow-covered peaks and traditional villages. In Raqchi will be able to immediately notice the slender, yet very imprecisely crafted pillars of Raqchi, some of which rise up to a height of 12 metres.
There, the temple of "Viracocha" was originally dedicated to the cruel Inca god "Wiracocha", about whom our tour guide will have exciting stories to tell us.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Casa Andina Standard or equivalent in Cuzco. (Breakfast & Lunch included) Walking time: 2.5h / Travel time: 6.5h

Day 11 – Machu Picchu - Inca Trail

Early in the morning, we will take the bus to the train station in Ollantaytambo. From there, we will take the train to km104 of the Inca Trail and from there, we'll straight away start on our hike. This three-hour hike takes us to the ruins of "Chachabamba" and "Wiñaywayna".
From here we will pass the famous "Puerta del Sol", from where we will get our first glimpse of the breath-taking Inca ruins. Here, at an altitude of 2,400m, this mystical place will be standing right before our eyes! For over 100 years, scientists have puzzled over how the Incas came up with the idea of building a city on the summit plateau of Machu Picchu. Even more puzzling is the question of why - barely finished - they left Machu Picchu over to nature again.
Before the site was discovered in 1911, Machu Picchu was a refuge known only to a select few. Fortunately, it remained hidden from the Spaniards, so that one is still able to walk through the well-preserved ruins to this day. On a detailed sightseeing tour, we will learn everything about the historical background of this impressive citadel and world wonder of South America. Afterwards, we will return to Cuzco by bus and train.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Casa Andina Standard or equivalent in Cuzco (Breakfast & Packed Lunch) Walking time: 5.5h / Travel time: 1.5h

Day 12 – Visit to the Inca Ruins of Sacsayhuaman & Tour of Cuzco

Early in the morning, we will set off for the lively and colourful "San Pedro" market. From tropical fruits from the extensive jungle area of the Amazon to dozens of different types of maize and potatoes, to quinoa and coca leaves - here we will get an intensive insight into the culinary diversity of Peru.
Afterwards, our exploration of ancient Inca sites will continue, and we will drive first to Sacsayhuamán. This Inca Fortress is particularly impressive with its huge stone blocks, which are precisely cut to fit into each other and so are joined together without mortar. Back in Cuzco, lunch will be followed by a tour of the historic Old Town, the Artists' Quarter of San Blas and the enigmatic "Twelve Angled Stone". It remains a mystery how the Incas managed to move these stones, weighing tons, without yet having the technology of the wheel.
After dinner, we will visit the "Museo del Pisco" where we will be able to mix our own Pisco Sour!
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Casa Andina Standard or equivalent in Cuzco (Breakfast & Lunch included) Walking time: 2.5h / Travel time: 1.5h

Day 13 – From Cuzco's Andes to Puerto Maldonado in the Jungle

On this day, our journey will take us from the Andean highlands, down to the steaming Amazon basin. Our transfer to the port will already be waiting for us at the airport in Puerto Maldonado. From there, you'll no doubt enjoy the approx. 1-hour boat ride to our jungle lodge. Once we arrive at the jungle-lodge, we will have some time to acclimatise and refresh ourselves with a freshly squeezed, exotic juice.
In the afternoon, we will make our first excursion to Monkey Island. On this island, in the middle of the Madre de Dios, a large number of trusting primates live in the wild, happily taking the small bananas and other fruits brought by the visitors.
After dinner, as darkness falls, we will set off again with our guide for an exploration tour. We will light up the banks of the Madre de Dios with our torches and look out for caimans. We might also be able to spot some capybaras - the largest rodents in the world.
Finally, the sounds of the jungle will accompany us into a deep, restful sleep on this night.
Our overnight stay will be at the Corto Maltes*** or equivalent in Tambopata (Breakfast & Dinner included) Walking time: 2,5h / Flight time: 4,5h / Travel time (boat): 1,0h
Please note: This programme is subject to change, depending on local conditions, such as the weather. The final decisions will be made by the nature guide as well as by the lodge administration.

Day 14 – Lago Sandoval (Shallow Lake)

Strengthened with a delicious breakfast, we will walk to Lago Sandoval, one of the largest shallow lakes in the Tambopata Nature Reserve. We will grab some paddles and, very quietly, on rowing boats, we will start our wildlife tour. We will be looking out for all kinds of animals, like the rare hoatzins (primitive birds) as well as for jacanas, howler monkeys, squirrel monkeys, black capuchins, tamarins and sloths.
We might even be able to spot a family of giant river otters. These animals are able to grow up to 2m long and are an endangered species. With a bit of luck, we will be able to observe them while they sunbathe or go fishing. Swimming is not recommended here, as the lake is also home to caimans and piranhas.
After this, we will be able to have a lunch back at the lodge and then we will have quite a bit of free time to relax and enjoy the magnificent surroundings. After dinner, we will head out on a night hike to explore the local variety of insects, amphibians, reptiles and other nocturnal animals.
Our overnight stay will be at the Corto Maltes*** or equivalent in Tambopata (Full board) Walking time: 2.5h / travel time (boat): 1,0h
Please note: This programme is subject to change, depending on local conditions, such as the weather. The final decisions will be made by the nature guide as well as by the lodge.

Day 15 – End of the Trip

Early risers will start this day with a cup of coffee or hot tea. After this, we will set off at 5.30 a.m. to a parrot salt lick, which we will be able to reach after about a 20-minute hike.
Parrots frequent this salt lick to ingest a special clay, which can be found in certain places in the region, and which is essential for regulating the birds' metabolism. About 3 to 5 different species of parrots can be spotted during this truly wonderful, colourful and exciting spectacle.
After breakfast, your guide will take you back to the airport. A wonderful journey ends here and, with many great memories, you will be able to start on your journey home. (Breakfast included)

Extension: Northern Peru

Day 15 – Flight from Puerto Maldonado to Lima

After breakfast (which is part of the main tour), we will all drive together to the airport, say goodbye to the other tour participants, before flying on to Lima. In the evening, we will take a comfortable night bus (with comfortable sleeping seats which recline to 160 degrees!) to Huaraz in the Andes.
Our overnight stay will be in a comfortable night bus (Breakfast & Dinner in the bus included). Journey time: Night bus 8.5h / Walking time: 3h

Day 16 – World Heritage Huascarán National Park & Comunidad Humacchuco

The Huascarán National Park includes 41 rivers, 663 glaciers, 269 lakes and 27 snow-capped mountains, including the highest mountain in Peru, the Huascarán at 6,678m. After breakfast, we will start our journey through the mountain valley "Callejón de Huaylas" along the "Cordillera Blanca". After traversing impressive mountain roads, we will reach the Huascarán National Park, before going further, up to 3.860m high, to the lagoons named "Llanganuco". Due to their high lime content, these are coloured in a wonderful turquoise.
A later 1-hour hike will take us past relict forests to the "Orconcocha" lagoon, which boasts several mountain orchids and bromeliad plants. Here, we will be on the lookout for spectacled bears, white-tailed and southern Andean deer, vicuñas, Andean condors as well as giant hummingbirds. Pumas and jaguars also call this place their home.
Then, in steep zigzags, we will drive to the "Portachuelo" Pass, to the viewpoint "Mirador Portachuelo", which lies at 4,767m. From there we will have the opportunity to admire beautiful panoramic views of the lagoons between Huandoy and Huascarán, as well as the ice giants of the Cordillera Blanca.
Our overnight stay will be with a local family in the Comunidad Humacchuco, where a delicious dinner will be served. (Breakfast & Dinner included) Walking time 2,5h / Driving time: 3,5h

Day 17 – Hike to Laguna Keushu, Delicious Local Pachamanca & the Mountain villages of Santo de Yungay & Caraz

The best time of day to experience the lagoon is in the early morning, when the blue sky reflects magnificently in its waters - and the perfect starting point for this is Humacchuco. During the approximately 4-hour hike, the lagoon will provide us with great photo opportunities and during this hike we will also be able to cross the local polylepsis forests.
The gnarled, small trees of this forest have paper-thin, peeling bark and its trussed flower heads have striking red fruits that contrast beautifully with the orange bark.
But so much fresh air will no doubt make you hungry! Back in Humacchuco, a delicious "pachamanca" (earth pot), Peru's national dish, will await us. As per tradition, the pachamanca is cooked with local seasonal ingredients and the earth oven "Huaita" is blessed by a shaman. We will be able to enjoy it together with the locals.
After the delicious lunch, we will drive back to the mountain valley "Callejón de Huaylas" and visit the small village of Yungay. The name Yungay literally translates as "warm valley". The village had tragically been destroyed by an avalanche of mud and rocks on 31 May 1970. Only the cemetery on top of a hill and the huge statue of Christ were spared.
Of the 19,000 inhabitants, only a few children and teenagers survived, who were at the time attending a church event in the neighbouring village. Sadly, not all of the dead were able to be recovered and we will be able to see gravestones in the village, where the houses used to stand.
We will continue on to the end of this fertile valley of the Santa River, to Caraz. Framed by snow-capped mountain peaks, this tranquil town is known for its "Manjar Blanco" (cream made of milk, sugar and vanilla), honey and high-quality woollen blankets and ponchos, all handmade by the local women.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel El Patio de Monterrey or equivalent in Huaraz (Breakfast & Lunch included) Walking time: 4h / Driving time: 2,5h

Day 18 – The Sechin Complex - Who thought the Egyptian Pyramids were old?

In the morning, we'll be able to enjoy the passing landscapes on our 3-hour drive to the "Casma" Valley - a lifeline between the desert and the mountains. We will leave the imposing mountain world behind and exchange it for the exciting mysteries of the pre-Inca cultures in the deserts of the north! Northern Peru is also called the "Egypt of South America" and the oldest city in the world is located here!
Only 15km away from the Pacific coast lies the "Sechin" complex, which was built between 3,200 and 3,400 B.C. The main sites of the complex, such as "Cerro Sechin", "Sechin Bajo", "Taukachi-Konkan" and "Sechin Alto" are all evidence of a long-lost culture that had accomplished amazing things here, thousands of years ago. The effigies carved in stone tell a story of craftsmanship, but also of astonishingly brutal rites in the life of the "Sechin" - which are not for the faint-hearted!
After these fascinating insights and impressions, we will reach our day's destination- the city of Trujillo - in the late afternoon. Trujillo is a lively combination of ancient culture as well as modern art.
Our overnight stay will be at the *** Victoria's Suite Hotel or equivalent in Trujillo (Breakfast included) Walking time: 2.5h / Driving time: 6.5h

Day 19 – Dragon Temple and Chan Chan, the largest Mud Brick City in the world!

On this day, we will explore the remaining evidence of some pre-Inca cultures: that of the "Moches" and the "Chimus". We will visit the Temple of the Dragon, a religious centre of the "Moche" Civilisation, where archaeologists have uncovered magnificent wall paintings and friezes.
After that, we will drive on to the former capital of the "Chimu" Empire - "Chan Chan". This city was built of pure clay and, for this reason, it is unique in the world!
Besides an ingenious irrigation system, which is still used to this day, tombs filled with jewellery, ceramics and dozens of skeletons of young women were found here, all testifying to the cultic worship of the "Chimor" rulers. But Chan Chan hides many more secrets!
For our lunch, we will enjoy the "fresh catch of the day" on a waterfront promenade in Huanchaco - with a view of the sea included!
Once strengthened, we will take a walk along the beach to the pier, which is over 100 metres long and over 100 years old. From here we'll be able to marvel at the "Caballitos de Tortora" - small boats made of sea reeds, on which, 2,000 years ago, members of the "Moche" culture had sailed along this very coast in order to catch their fish.
We will end the day in Trujillo with a stroll along the "Paseo de Aguas" Boulevard and through its Tunnel of Wishes.
Our overnight stay will be at the *** Victoria's Suite Hotel or equivalent in Trujillo (Breakfast included) Walking time: 4.5h / Driving time: 1.5h

Day 20 – The Secrets of El Brujo & the Sovereign Señora de Cao

Magnificent buildings from the colonial era, a pleasant climate, festivals, culture and music - all these make Trujillo the country's secret culture capital. Founded in 1534 on the order of the Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro, Trujillo is now Peru's third largest city.
Right after breakfast, we will set out to explore this lively city with its Plaza de Armas, the magnificent colonial buildings with their heavy, wrought-iron window grilles and picturesque balconies. A look inside the houses, with all their splendour, is guaranteed to take our breath away.
Afterwards, we will set off for the archaeological complex "El Brujo". Quite inconspicuous from the outside, this excavation site conceals its true treasures within. These are the pyramids of "El Brujo" and the mummy of the "Señora de Cao", who was likely the only female leader of this era. The temple wall of "Cao Viejo" rises above the ceremonial plaza in the centre of the complex, while its murals and reliefs depict warriors as well as unclothed, bound captives - ritual scenes of human sacrifices.
In the afternoon, we will reach Chiclayo, a city situated close to the Pacific Ocean. It is also known as the "Pearl of the North" and it was the centre of the "Moche" high culture. Among other things, it is also now famous for its ceviche, which is made from black mussels.
Our overnight stay will be at the ****Hotel Casa Andina Select or equivalent in Chiclayo (Breakfast included) Walking time: 4,5h / Driving time: 4,5h

Day 21 – Enchanted Chiclayo - The Egypt of South America!

We will start the day with a stroll through the Witches' Market. From mysterious healing potions to protective amulets, talismans and curious powders and ointments, you are guaranteed to be enchanted here.
After leaving the market, we will drive to the sensational "Moche" excavation site "Huaca Rajada", where, first discovered in 1987, the royal tombs, including the burial chamber of the "Señor de Sipán" reside. His burial clothes were found to be beautifully decorated with gold, silver and jewels and the burial chamber was also found to be full of priceless treasures.
In the afternoon, a time with the best light for taking photos, we will make a detour into the Valley of the Pyramids, to "Túcume". Twenty-six mud-brick pyramids are hidden here in a vast forest of carob trees.
To shake off a bit of the dust and the heat, we will end the day on the beach of Pimentel, with a cocktail in hand and a view of the pier and the waves glistening behind it in the evening light.
Our overnight stay will be at the ****Hotel Casa Andina Select or equivalent in Chiclayo (Breakfast & Lunch included) Walking time: 4,5h / driving time: 3,5h

Day 22 – End of the trip

After breakfast, your guide will take you back to the airport in Chiclayo. A wonderful journey ends here and with many great memories you will start on your voyage back home. (Breakfast included)


NOT included