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PURE Ecuador!

Experience exotic cultures & fascinating landscapes

The second smallest and most pristine country in South America, located directly on the equator, offers magnificent landscapes, a countless variety of exotic animals and diverse flora, as well as inhabitants who can look back on a rich indigenous heritage.
Nowhere else in the world can you find so many different natural areas and vegetation zones within such short distances! Even Charles Darwin and Alexander von Humboldt loved this small country with its enormous diversity!
We will visit exotic markets with their Andean flair and immerse ourselves in the breathtaking expanses of the mountainous cloud forest and the Amazon jungle. Their Lagoons and volcanic craters can be hiked in all the climate zones of the continent.
An exploration of the UNESCO World Heritage Cities Quito and Cuenca with their colonial old towns is just as much part of our travel experience as a hike on Cotopaxi - the highest active volcano on earth. We will get to know indigenous people in the highlands of the Andes, as well as the formerly feared shrunken head hunters, who still live very traditionally to this day. In the Amazon jungle, we will dive deep into the flora and fauna and pay a visit to the indigenous peoples.
We will also swing our hips with our first salsa dance steps, get authentic culinary insights while cooking together with a local family and enjoy the many culinary delights of the country.
You will not only stay in a variety of stylish hotels, but also with a local indigenous family, as well as in lovingly restored haciendas from the colonial times, where Alexander von Humboldt himself as well as the freedom fighter Simón Bolívar once slept!



Day 1 – Arrival in Quito / Ecuador (always on Fridays)

Arrive in the afternoon in the Ecuadorian capital of Quito, situated at 2,850m above sea level. It is surrounded by the Pichincha, Cotopaxi, Antisana and Cayambe volcanoes, which form a truly majestic backdrop. With over 100 churches, 55 monasteries, original streets and squares covered with many tropical flowers and palm trees. It has retained the charm of colonial times like no other city in Latin America. During a dinner together, our tour guide will give a detailed tour briefing.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Ikala Quito Boutique Hotel or equivalent. (No meals are included today.) Travel time: 0h40min (40km).

Day 2 – Tour of Quito's Colonial Old Town and Cooking with a Local Indigenous Family

The charm of this colonial old town with its churches, convents and squares makes Quito a real gem. The tour leads from the Plaza Grande, past the Cathedral and the Presidential Palace, to La Compañía and the famous El Sagrario. We will climb the spires of the Basilica del Voto, which boasts magnificent views over the city. From there we will be able to observe the hustle and bustle of Plaza Grande and Plaza San Francisco. For lunch, we will make a stop at a small, local restaurant.
In the evening, we will be cooking our own dinners! This way we can get to know even closer several different Ecuadorian specialties.
Our overnight stay will be at ***Ikala Quito Boutique Hotel or equivalent. (Breakfast & Home-Cooked Dinner included) Travel time: 0h40min (20km) / Walking time: 2h00 (4km)

Day 3 – Equator Monument, Hike in the Inhabited Pululahua Volcanic Crater and enjoying A Frog Concert with an Insect Dance in the Tropical Mountain Cloud Forest near Mindo

Immediately after breakfast, we will go to the famous Equator Monument: La Mitad del Mundo. It was here, during a French expedition in 1736, that Charles Marie de La Condamine was the first European to determine the position of the equator, with an accuracy to within 240 meters. Of course, we will also visit the anthropological Museo del Sitio Inti Ñan to carry out some practical experiments, which will impressively prove that here you are truly standing at the equator.
After lunch, we will continue on to Pululahua Volcanic Crater, one of the two inhabited craters in the world and a remnant of the volcano's last eruptions, some 2,300 years ago. It is almost 5km in diameter and its sheltered inner slopes provide micro-habitats for a fascinating flora of orchids, arum and bromeliads, with eager hummingbirds usually whirring between all the flowers. We will be able to enjoy a three hour walk in this unique natural habitat.
In the late afternoon, we will drive over the western Cordillera to Mindo, where we will look out for parrots, toucans and more hummingbirds. Here, we will experience a changes in vegetation zones, from the paramo (highland vegetation), through to the cloud forest and on to the low tropical mountain forest of the Andes.
Here in Mindo, a special spectacle awaits us after dinner - A Frog Concert with an Insect Dance. And later, on a guided night hike, we will be able to discover some of the nocturnal animals living here.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Sisakuna Lodge, ***Coffee Lodge & Spa or equivalent. (Breakfast included) Drive time: 4h40min (230km) / Walking time: 2h30 (4km)

Day 4 – Hike to Hidden Waterfalls in the Cloud Rainforest & Visit to a Chocolate Factory

On this morning, we will take a mini cable car, which will pass above the treetops of the tropical cloud forest. After disembarking, we will then go on an extensive hike through the tropical vegetation to hidden natural pools and waterfalls under which everyone will be able to refresh themselves. Here, we will mainly be able to spot several varying species of hummingbirds and orchids (there are about 120 different species of hummingbirds that call this place their home).
In the afternoon, we will visit a butterfly farm, where we will be able to marvel at the spectacular butterfly Ojo de Buho (Owl's Eye).
Any chocoholics present will be excited by the next tour at a small chocolate factory, where we will be able to witness the process of chocolate production live, all the way from the bean to the chocolate bar.
First, we will take a look at the cocoa trees and taste some of the cocoa fruit directly in the field. We'll then be able to see cocoa beans in various stages of drying and roasting. Afterwards, we will get an insight into the processing of various cocoa products, before we move on to the most interesting part: The chocolate tasting! We'll taste small pieces of chocolate with different cocoa contents and flavors, as well as some homemade brownies, chocolate sauce with 100% cocoa content and some hot cocoa tea.
In the evening, we will take a walk through the small town, where many hippies settled in the 60s and nowadays offer various items, from their art goods to exotic cocktails, for sale.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Sisakuna Lodge, ***Coffee Lodge & Spa or equivalent. (Breakfast included) Drive time: 0h20min (10km) / Walking time: 2h30 (5km)

Day 5 – Living with an Indigenous Family & Largest Indigenous Market in South America: Otavalo

On this day right after breakfast, we will drive back to the Andean highlands, to the famous Otavalo Market. There, indigenous women, proudly wearing their traditional costumes, display colorful cloths, embroidered belts and handmade jewelry on the stalls. Bags full of spices, eggs, woven baskets and fresh vegetables are usually stacked around them. The cloths on their backs are often filled with fresh bread, fruit and fragrant herbs. A poncho market can be found in the midst of the adjacent food market. It's followed by many clothing items, stacked high, and all sorts of odds and ends. Small benches and stools line up in front of blue wooden stalls. Coffee, soups, roasted meat as well as fresh juices are all offered for sale - no one leaves this market still hungry.
In the afternoon, we will already be expected by our indigenous host families. After we have been assigned our rooms, help with the preparation of our dinner will be very welcome. Around a cozy fireplace, we will get a first insight into the life and culture of the local people and we will be introduced to the Andean calendar.
Our overnight stay will be with the indigenous families, in cozy, rustic beds, in Private Rooms with own Showers / WC. (Breakfast & Dinner included) Travel time: 3h10min (190km) / Walking time: 1h30 (3km)

Day 6 – Hike at Guinea Pig Lake, the Crater Lake Cuicocha

In the morning, we will together bake breakfast tortillas outside over an open fire, which will require some practice to make them nice and round. After this, we will have a chance to feed guinea pigs, rabbits and llamas before heading out to the emerald green, shimmering Crater Lake Cuicocha. It is a sacred site and the forested islands in the middle of the lake are not allowed to be accessed by humans. We will walk for about an hour directly along the crater rim and enjoy the magnificent Paramo landscape of the highlands.
In the late afternoon, we will reach Cotopaxi National Park, where we will spend the night at the park's edge, in a rustic but beautifully situated lodge. From there, we will be able to enjoy breathtaking views of the Cotopaxi Volcano (5,897m high), which is one of the highest active volcanoes in the world.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Chilcabamba Mountain Lodge or equivalent. (Breakfast included) Travel time: 4h20min (210km) / Walking time: 1h30 (3km)

Day 7 – In Cotopaxi National Park via Laguna de Limpiopungo to the José-Rivas Refuge at 4,800m and then on to the Avenue of the Volcanoes and to the Pilgrimage site of Baños

Our hike on this day takes us along the shore of the Laguna de Limpiopungo. With a bit of luck, we will be able to also observe condors and eagles here, as well as wild ducks, coots, alpacas and the largest hummingbird in the world: The Star of Chimborazo. Leaving the car park, we will climb to the José-Rivas refuge at 4,800m, where we will be able to enjoy great views from up above. We will also be able to fortify ourselves here with a hot soup and a cup of cocoa. There will also be the option to climb further, up to the edge of the glacier.
Still in the afternoon, we will drive along the famous Avenue of the Volcanoes, along the Pan-American Highway. It was named by Alexander von Humboldt, as nowhere else in the world are so many volcanoes so close together. Our destination is a lively place of pilgrimage: Baños de Agua Santa (The Holy Water Baths).
This place is known for its hot springs and a special sweet or candy (named "melcocha"), a kind of sugar mass that is formed by throwing it several times over a hook attached to a door frame. The atmosphere here is usually relaxed, the climate ideal and the tropical rainforest of eastern Ecuador will be just a few kilometers away! This is an ideal starting point to see a permanently active volcano, Tungurahua, in action.
If by the evening you're still yearning for more adventure, then you will find what you're looking for in a local discotheque district. The nightlife of Baños awaits dance and party lovers from all over the world with about 25 discos and bars. There is something here for every musical taste.
Our overnight stay will be at the **Hotel Selina Banos. (Breakfast included) Travel time: 4h40min (200km) / Walking time: 2h00 (2km)

Day 8 – Through the Picturesque Pastaza Valley into the Steaming Amazon Basin & a Night Hike in the Jungle

On this morning, we will leisurely cycle downhill through the picturesque Pastaza Valley, eastwards down the Andes, past impressive gorges, rock crevices and waterfalls. On the way, a sensational cable car ride over the deeply carved river valley will no doubt take our breath away. Afterwards, we will undertake a hike to the gigantic waterfall el Pailón del Diablo - the Devil's Gorge - in the middle of which, a stone in the shape of the Devil's head can be seen.
Still before lunch, we will continue our journey from the high Andes into the steaming Amazon drainage basin. Here we will board a canoe and glide in it along the Rio Napo, which zigzags through the jungle like a giant snake. This river is considered to be the primary system of the "Pacha Mama" (the Mother Earth). Once we arrive at our jungle lodge, we will receive a short briefing from our indigenous nature guide and be able to move into our simple rooms.
Right after dinner, equipped with torches and cameras, we will go on an exciting night hike deep into the jungle. There, we will listen out for the nocturnal activity of bats, owls, various insects as well as to toads and frogs.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Itamandi EcoLodge or equivalent. (Breakfast & Dinner included) Travel time van: 2h40min (160km) / Travel time by boat: 0h20 / Travel time bike: 2h00 (22km) / Walking time: 1h30 (2km)

Day 9 – Parrot Salt Lick, Hike through the Primary and Secondary Rainforests & Kichwa Community Visit

On this day before breakfast, we will canoe deeper into the jungle to a parrot salt lick. The parrots and parakeets get the minerals they need to digest fruits and seeds here. Hundreds of parrots and parakeets approach the treetops and then descend to the clay wall to ingest this mineral-rich soil.
After our breakfast, we will hike for 2-3 hours through the jungle with our nature guide. On the way, we will cross small rivers and have many opportunities to discover a myriad of tropical animals and plants. The Amazon drainage basin is one of the most biodiverse areas in the world - and is the home to nature in its purest form!
An indigenous Kichwa community will welcome us in the afternoon with the famous Chicha, a fermented yuca drink. We will participate in the preparation of this drink, taste some of the community's traditional dishes and learn a lot about the daily life of this indigenous people in the jungle.
Our stay overnight will be at the ***Itamandi EcoLodge or equivalent. (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner included) Walking time: 1h30 (2km)

Day 10 – Jungle-Tubing & Visit to the once dreaded Shrunken Head Hunters in Shuar and Achuar Territory

After breakfast and with everyone seated comfortably on rubber truck tires, we will float downstream for a few kilometers. Here we will be able to enjoy the sounds of the jungle in peace. With a bit of luck, we may be able to spot several exotic animals: Macaws and parrots, capybaras, monkeys, sloths, butterflies, toucans and tropical birds in the brightest of colors.
In the afternoon, a minibus will take us on a jungle track on to Río Upano, with continuous views of the mighty volcanoes of the Andes range during the journey.
Our overnight stay will be directly at the Río Upano in the **Hosteria Arrayan & Piedra near Macas or equivalent. (Breakfast included) Travel time: 2h40min (170km) / Walking time: 1h00 (2km)

Day 11 – With the Shuar Indians to the Sacred Waterfall Ceremony

In Amazonia, the Shuar, the formerly feared shrunken head hunters, form the largest indigenous group. Tzamarenda, the chief of a Shuar village, or another community member, will pick us up at our Hosteria after breakfast. We will walk through the dense jungle to his village, where we will be welcomed with traditional Shuar welcoming rituals consisting of dances and rhythmic music. We will be able to learn more about the Shuar culture, listen to their centuries-old stories and traditional instrumental music. The chief will show us self-healing and cleansing rituals and will offer to perform energetic treatments with medicinal plants on us (massages with natural oils are optional).
After lunch in the village, we will hike to the sacred waterfalls where Tzamarenda will perform a ceremonial ritual.
Our overnight stay will be at the **Hosteria Arrayan & Piedra near Macas or equivalent. (Breakfast & Lunch included) Travel time: 1h10 (70km) / Walking time: 2h50min (5km)

Day 12 – City Tour of Colonial Cuenca, with a visits to a Cathedral & a Panama Hat Factory

A colonial jewel of Ecuador awaits us! Cuenca - a city with a lot of charm - preserves its provincial character despite its size, and for this reason was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1999. On a city tour we will get to view several colonial stately buildings, cobblestone alleys and flower-filled squares. We will visit the historic center with its Calderon Park, the imposing local cathedral, the historic bridge over the Tomebamba River as well as a famous Panama hat factory.
The Panama hat (Jipijapa) is a hand-woven straw hat from Ecuador. It is made from the fine, so-called toquilla straw - toquilla being a palm like plant. Incidentally, these hats, which were also made famous by the novelist Ernest Hemingway, owe their name to their export route through the Panama Canal. Here, you will stay in a villa from the 19th century, which is located in the middle of the historic city center of Santa Ana de los Ríos.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel Boutique Carvallo or equivalent. (Breakfast included) Travel time: 4h40 (230km) / Walking time: 1h30min (3km)

Day 13 – To the Lagoons in Cajas National Park, visit to a Plantation & the Pacific Coast

About 35km from Cuenca is the El Cajas National Park, which covers an area of 28,808 hectares. More than 230 lagoons, numerous rivers and extraordinarily beautiful flora and fauna are among the features of this nature park.
We will drive to the highest point of the national park, stop at Laguna Toreadora and enjoy an incredible view over the beautiful lake-landscape. Here we will also have the opportunity to marvel at the famous paramo plant, among other things. During a short hike around the beautiful lagoon, we will be able to observe numerous bird species and experience the atmosphere of a typical Andean Forest.
From an altitude of 2,500 meters, we will drive up over a pass at 4,000 meters, past cocoa plantations, and towards the coast. After only a short time on this drive we will discover Ecuador's most important export, lining the edges of the road: From these lush green banana groves, many millions of tons of bananas are shipped to Europe every year. We will visit one of these plantations and have the cultivation of cacao and local fruit explained to us.
In the evening, we will reach the vibrant port city of Guayaquil. What a contrast to the Andean highlands and the Amazon jungle! Here we will spend our last evening together with a cozy dinner at the Malecón, the riverside promenade of the Guayas River, which is popular with the locals.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Grand Hotel Guayaquil or equivalent. (Breakfast & Farewell Dinner included) Travel time: 4h30 (250km) / Walking time: 2h50min (4km)

Day 14 – Departure

On this day it will be time to say goodbye to South America. After breakfast, we will travel to the airport, where our flight to Europe will be waiting for us. (Breakfast included) Travel time: 0h30 (20km)

Extension Galapagos

Day 14 – Galapagos Islands (Isla Baltra & Isla Santa Cruz) - Twin Crater Los Gemelos & Giant Tortoises at El Chato Ranch

On this day, we are off to see the wonders of Charles Darwin's Galapagos Islands! Arriving at the airport on Baltra Island, we will take the ferry across the Itabaca Channel to Santa Cruz Island. On the way to Puerto Ayora, we will stop at the twin craters of Los Gemelos. With a bit of luck, we will be able to spot short-eared owls, Darwin's finches, ruby-throated tyrants, Galapagos rails, golden-billed moorhens as well as golden warblers.
After lunch at El Chato Ranch, and a first up-close encounter with their giant tortoises, we will visit a 100-metre-long and very impressive lava tunnel. Afterwards and after a short drive, we will reach the pretty and lively tourist town of Puerto Ayora.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel Casa de Judy or equivalent in Puerto Ayora. (Breakfast included) Travel time: 1h30 (70km) / Walking time: 1h30min (2km)

Day 15 – Galapagos Islands (Isla Isabela & Isla Las Tintoreras) - Snorkelling with Sea Lions, Sea Turtles and White-Tipped Reef Sharks & viewing Flamingos on Laguna Villamil and a Sunset with a Caribbean feeling

In the morning, a speedboat will take us to the largest island of the archipelago: Isla Isabela. The Island will amaze us with its picturesque beaches and turquoise water. It will be a truly Caribbean feeling - but also a dream come true for every volcanologist and nature lover!
After lunch in the village, we will head out to the south, to the offshore island of Las Tintoreras, where sea turtles, sea lizards, rays and sea lions as well as the white-tipped reef sharks, the Tintoreras, can be observed. The seabirds Nazca boobies, blue-footed boobies and red-footed boobies often breed here on a steep cliff. We will walk over broken lava; over white and black sand beaches and we'll also have time to snorkel in the small bay.
Back in Puerto Villamil, you will be able to walk to Laguna Villamil, where many endemic wading birds, but also pink flamingos, stalk around in the shallow water and look for food. Later, we'll be able to enjoy the glowing red sunset with our bare feet in the warm sand in a quaint beach bar.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel Cally or equivalent on Isla Isabela. (Breakfast included) Travel time by boat: 2h30 (30km) / Walking time: 2h30min (3km)

Day 16 – Galapagos Islands (Isla Isabela) - Hiking on the Active Volcano Sierra Negra & Snorkelling with Sea Turtles

After breakfast, we will ride in an open off-road vehicle (a pick-up) into the green highlands of Isabela Island. There, a hike will offer us a stunning view from the crater rim into the imposing cauldron. It is, after all, the second largest volcanic cone in the world. The young lava flow from the eruption in August 2005 is still clearly visible to this day. On the walk along this huge 30km² crater, Darwin's finches, short-eared owls, flycatchers and Galapagos buzzards can often be spotted. And we may even be able to observe active fumaroles (steam emission points).
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel Cally or equivalent on Isla Isabela. (Breakfast & Packed Lunch included) Travel time: 1h10 (20km) / Walking time: 3h00min (6km)

Day 17 – Galapagos Islands (Isla Isabela, Isla Roca Union & Isla Cabo Rosa) - Unique Lava Formations and Swimming with Orcas and Galapagos penguins

Early on this morning, we will set off for one of the most biodiverse islands, Isla Roca Union. Here, from our boat and with a bit of luck we will be able to spot pelicans, blue-footed boobies and Nazca boobies, as well as sea lions on nearby rocks.
After two more hours we will reach Cabo Rosa (Los Tuneles), an uninhabited island where the lava formations resemble tunnels. In the crystal clear and shallow water, we will be able to snorkel with sea turtles, albatrosses, flamingos, sea lizards and sea lions, manta rays and maybe also orcas as well as Galapagos penguins, giant seahorses and white tip sharks or observe them well from the boat.
Our overnight stay will be at ***Hotel Cally or equivalent on Isla Isabela. (Breakfast & Packed Lunch included) Travel time by Boat: 4h00 / Walking time: 0h30min (1km)

Day 18 – Galapagos Islands (Isla Baltra & Isla Santa Cruz) / End of Our Trip

Early in the morning, we will take the speedboat to Puerto Ayora, catch a bus and then ferry to the airport on Isla Baltra. From there we will fly from the archipelago back to the Ecuadorian mainland, to Quito or Guayaquil. After a short stop at the airport, your planes will be ready for the transatlantic flight back home.
On this day a packed breakfast is included.


NOT included