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PURE Colombia!

Experience exotic cultures & fascinating landscapes

A complete round trip full of contrasts through the unique diversity of Colombia. We will experience this fascinating country partly on old historical routes and using means of transport typical to this country.
You will see snow-covered Andes alternate with red-hot desert landscapes and experience the lush green mountainous cloud forest, wild Paramo landscapes with turquoise blue water as well as white dream beaches on the Caribbean coast.
Charming colonial towns with hidden jungle villages of the indigenous inhabitants await you, as well as mystical cultural-historical sites with lively salsa bars and exotic cocktails. And of course, the best coffee on the continent is not to be missed!
On this trip we will experience the flora and fauna of all parts of the country and make new friends with the warm-hearted inhabitants, whether Gumbiano, Kogi, Mestizo or Creole... South America in compressed form - pure Colombia! This trip is hard to beat in terms of diversity and variety!
The Colombians rightly say: "El único riesgo es que te quieras quedar." - "The only risk is that you might wish to stay."



Day 1 – Arrival in Bogotá, the melting pot of all indigenous cultures

Welcome to Colombia! On this afternoon, we will arrive in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, and will be already awaited by our tour guide. After checking in at our hotel, we will go on an exploration tour through the narrow streets of the historic district of Candelaria, before settling down in a small cozy restaurant in the evening. During their introductory talk, the tour guide will get us in the mood for the next three eventful weeks, during which we will discover this colorful, multi-faceted and fascinating country together.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel Casa Deco or equivalent in Bogotá (No meals included)

Day 2 – Bogotá - In the footsteps of the past - colorful markets, pre-Columbian ritual objects and the monastery on the mountain

The capital of Colombia is located at an altitude of 2,640m on a high plateau in the Andes, and due to its proximity to the equator, the weather is spring-like all year round. In the morning, we will start our extensive city tour with a visit to the Paloquemao Market, where we will likely be enchanted by the scent of colorful flowers and where we will be able to taste various exotic fruits. Afterwards, we will take a cable car up to the local mountain: Monserrate.
Once back in the valley, we will stroll on to Plaza Bolivar, where the Colombian independence movement originated in the early 19th century. From there, we will continue to the cradle of Bogotá, the Plaza Del Chorro Del Quevedo.
In the late afternoon, we will visit the aid organization "Fundación Niños de los Andes" and accompany two staff members in their work with local street children.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel Casa Deco or equivalent in Bogotá (Breakfast included)

Day 3 – Prehistoric tortoises with horns and giant cacti in the moon-like landscape of the Tatacoa Desert

On this day, a scenic drive into the Tatacoa Desert awaits us. From approx. 2,600m above sea level, we will drive down to approx. 500m above sea level, while passing forests and marshlands. On the way, we will stop at a "parador" (a typical rest area) to fortify ourselves with a bandeja paisa.
But just before that, we will visit the world-famous Gold Museum. Here we will be able to come very close to the myth of "El Dorado" (the Land of Gold), as we marvel at the more than 38,000 gold objects, which are in and of themselves contemporary witnesses of pre-Columbia.
The desert valley lies between two mountain ranges. It never rains here and the average temperature is over 28 degrees. Our patience will be rewarded as we'll reach the Tatacoa Desert in the afternoon. On a hike through the gruff, terracotta-brown rocks, we will be able to let ourselves be enchanted by the play of light and shadow of the setting sun. The dry, rugged valley is reminiscent of a lunar landscape, which was once populated by enormous prehistoric animals.
Our romantic overnight stay will be under the stars in the desert hotel ***(*) Bethel Bio Luxury Hotel or equivalent in the Tatacoa Desert with shared Bathroom (Breakfast included)

Day 4 – Hike to mysterious monoliths and temples in the forest of sculptures near San Agustin

The Tatacoa Desert rewards its early risers with a fantastic sunrise, with the gigantic cactus forests glowing yellow-orange against the desert landscape. It will be atmospheric and unforgettable!
Immediately after breakfast, we will continue to San Augustin. The drive along the Rio Magdalenas will be varied. We'll enjoy the passing landscapes, catching wide glimpses of the barren Andes mountains, which alternate with the green vegetation of the Páramos.
In the afternoon, we will reach San Augustin, probably the most important pre-Columbian archaeological site in Colombia. On foot, we will explore the lively and bustling village before we will be able to taste the local delicacies in a cozy restaurant for dinner.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel Estorake or equivalent in San Augustin (Breakfast included)

Day 5 – Mystical rock paintings from the time of the gods and demons

On this day, we will visit and experience the excavation sites of San Augustin by foot and on horseback. With its approximately 500 larger-than-life god sculptures, carved out of lava stone and basalt, the archaeological park is one of the most important and, at the same time, most mysterious testimony to pre-Columbia in South America.
We will visit the monumental tombs and statues built on lush green hills, which were once part of a huge ceremonial site. Animal or human, deities or temple guards, all this still remains to be found out, as there are still many unanswered questions about the mysterious San Agustin culture.
After having explored the archaeological park of San Augustin in the morning, we will ride on horseback to the excavation sites of El Tablón and La Chaquira with its unique rock paintings in the afternoon. The horses are well trained and tame, but if you would still prefer not to ride, you may also of course take the alternative route on foot.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel Estorake or equivalent in San Augustin (Breakfast included)

Day 6 – From pre-Columbian sculptures of the gods to the white colonial city of Popayan

From San Agustin, we will travel through the Puracé National Park to Popayan with a stopover in Isnos, at a sugar cane factory. There, we will be able to learn everything about the production of the golden-colored panela. With headwind ruffling our hair, we will drive through the cloud forest up to 3,200m, into the Páramo landscapes. There, we might even be able to spot an Andean condor. In the afternoon, we will reach Popayan, the colonial "white city". There, during a city tour we will be able to find out why it bears this name.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel Camino Real in Popayan or equivalent (Breakfast included)

Day 7 – From the indigenous community of the Guambianos to the places where coffee grows - the artists' village of Salento

On this day, the journey will be a special experience. With a traditional, open, colorfully painted chiva, we will drive a few kilometers to Silvia, the center of the indigenous community of the Guambiano. Until this day, the Guambianos have preserved and still practice a large part of their traditions and rituals. Here, we will meet a spiritual guide who will lead us through his settlement and a herb garden and will tell us more about their 1000-year-old culture.
After a typical local lunch, we will continue to the lower-lying Cauca Valley. This coffee-growing region has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2011 and it is one of the most charming regions of the country.
Here, in the afternoon, we will visit a coffee Finca, where we will be able to learn about the long journey of our favorite hot beverage from the plantation to the cup. And of course, we will also taste a "tinto"! In the evening, we will arrive at our local hotel, located in the colorful and cheerful town of Salento.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel El Jardin or equivalent in Salento (Breakfast & Lunch included)

Day 8 – The lush green Valle de Cocora - hiking among the gigantic wax palms

After our breakfast, we will make our way to the 2,400m high Cocora Valley, where we will be able to marvel at Colombia's national tree: The Quindio Wax Palm. With its trunks reaching up to 60 meters high, it is considered the tallest palm species in the world. As an entry point to the "Los Nevados" National Park, the Cocora Valley is also part of the protected area of the Central Cordillera. During our approximately 3-hour hike, we will experience the biodiversity of the Andean cloud forest and observe the delicate flowering of its numerous orchids.
Back in Salento, we will be able to make ourselves comfortable in a hammock or take a walk through the many colorful alleys and shops, and admire the architecture typical of the settlers of the late 19th century, while "Willy's" (vintage jeeps from World War II) pass us by. Around the main square there are several small huts where you will be able to get the best fresh trout with patacones, all homemade!
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel El Jardin or equivalent in Salento (Breakfast & Packed Lunch included)

Day 9 – Over the spectacular Central Cordillera of the Andes to the city of 25 bridges

The journey is the goal! During a 6-hour drive in our comfortable minibus, we will first head back up, along winding and twisting roads, into the central Cordillera of the Andes. We will be able to lean back comfortably in our seats as the spectacular mountain landscape passes us by. For long stretches, we will be able to enjoy the magnificent views of Los Nevados National Park and, of course, take some great snapshots.
The closer we will get to the tranquil, colonial harbor town of 25 Bridges called Honda, the noticeably warmer the temperatures will become. The name Honda comes from the Ondaimas, an indigenous people who inhabited the banks of the rivers: Magdalena, Gualí, Guarinó and Quebrada Seca - the site where the town is now located.
After our arrival, there will be time for a walk through the historic streets and the main square, which boasts a cathedral and a market hall. The market hall was designed by the English engineer Harry Valsint. Its 148 columns, which frame the hall, as well as its exactly 108 entrances, were all erected between 1917 and 1935 and are more reminiscent of a Greek temple than a conventional market building.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Posada Las Trampas or equivalent in Honda (Breakfast included)

Day 10 – On the trail of the legendary gold country of El Dorado to the crater lake of the coronation ceremonies

On the way to this day's destination - the national monument Villa de Leyva - we will visit the impressive Salt Cathedral in Zipaquira, one of the largest underground cathedrals in the world. At this site, the Muiscas originally extracted salt before trading it as a valuable commodity for gold and other goods.
After this, we will continue our journey to the crater lagoon Guatavita, in the nature reserve of the same name. This mountain lake lies at 3,000m and is considered the most important sacred site of the Muisca and Chibchas. From the crater rim we will have a fantastic view of the legendary site of "El Dorado - The Land of Gold". Here, in the light of the afternoon sun, we will be able to take in the magnificent panoramic view and admire emerald green shimmering lake.
In the evening, we will reach the small town of Villa de Leyva, which had been declared a national monument of Colombia relatively early on and has therefore been able to preserve much of its original charm. During an evening walk through the perfectly preserved cobblestone streets and past whitewashed manor houses to the imposing main square, we will likely feel as though we are transported back to the 17th century.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Maria Bonita Hotel or equivalent in Villa de Leyva (Breakfast included)

Day 11 – Through palm groves and tobacco plantations to the picturesque, dreamy colonial village of Barichara

Do you know what a "bocadillo" is? No, we don't mean the sandwich you might know from Spain. In Colombia, "bocadillo" is the locals' favorite sweet or candy, a kind of guava confectionery. And we will learn how it is made during a stop at a small handicraft business in Velez.
After this "sweet" break, our journey will continue on, traversing through palm groves and tobacco plantations. We will pass San Gil, and after a hike through some beautiful nature, we will reach the Juan Curi waterfall. The waterfall branches out over several cascades and plunges 80m downwards before outpouring into a natural pool. Would you just love to dive in there for a refreshing swim?
In the late afternoon, we will arrive at our colonial hotel in Barichara. This cute little town is situated on a high plateau above the gorge-like valley of the Rio Suśrez. We will take a walk to its beautiful plaza, past well-kept, white colonial buildings with pastel-colored shutters and let the relaxed atmosphere inspire us.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel Casa Blanca or equivalent in Barichara (Breakfast included)

Day 12 – Hike along the King's Trail to the Guane Indians' collection of relics

We will be quite active this morning! Equipped with sun hats, sunscreen, good shoes and water, we will hike downhill along the "Camino Real", a royal stone path built over two centuries ago, which used to connect the capital Bogotá with the Caribbean coast. Here, we will be able to enjoy several magnificent panoramic views over the valley of the Rio Suarez.
On this day, our destination will be the village of Guane. An almost forgotten place, it was once the center of the indigenous tribe of the same name. In the interesting Paleontological Museum of the Guane Indians, with its extraordinary fossil finds - which include mummies - we will be able to dive deeper into the local history. Guane is also known for another delicacy, namely sabajon, a creamy liqueur that we will be able to taste in different flavors.
In the afternoon, everyone will be able to explore this atmospheric place on their own: You will be able to visit the cigar factory or simply "hang out" in front of the sandstone church on the main square and take in the colorful hustle and bustle.
A tip for dinner for anyone who likes to try new things is the local specialty: "Hormigas Culonas", which literally means "big assed ants". These types of leaf-cutter ants are available, for example, roasted or in a sauce as a side dish with steak. Hmm yummy!! Bon Appetit!
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel Casa Blanca or equivalent in Barichara (Breakfast included)

Day 13 – Hovering over the natural phenomenon of the Chicamocha Canyon

From Barichara, we will reach the famous Chicamocha Canyon after a 2-hour drive. With an average depth of 2km and a length of 227km, this canyon is one of the deepest of its kind in the world, and thus deeper and longer than the Grand Canyon.
In a modern cable car, we will float over the canyon and we'll likely not be able to decide which way to look or which view is the best. On the other side, we will reach the high plateau Mesa de los Santos and, from there, we will continue along a wonderful panoramic road to Giron. In Giron, a lively, pretty colonial village, we will stop for a late lunch before arriving in the evening in the Magdalena Valley in the port town of Barrancabermeja.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel San Carlos or equivalent in Barrancabermeja (Breakfast included)

Day 14 – With the Chalupa to the Colombian jewel Santa Cruz de Mompox

Early in the morning, our traditional chalupa boat will depart from the harbor in Barancabermeja to El Banco. Our luggage will be safely stowed and secured on the roof and off we will go on our adventurous trip on Colombia's largest river, the Rio Magdalena.
Far from any road, this river meanders through a labyrinth of lakes and tributaries. On our way, we will meet gold prospectors and will be able to observe countless flocks of birds. After five hours, we will reach El Banco, a small town in the very south of the Magdalena Department.
A hundred years ago, this way of travelling was the only connection from Bogotá to the Atlantic coast. In El Banco, we will exchange the boat for four wheels. From then on, it will be just under two hours to Santa Cruz de Mompox, a pearl of colonial architecture in the middle of nowhere; a town filled to the brim with history, romance and nostalgia.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel Casa Amarilla or equivalent in Mompós (Breakfast included)

Day 15 – With the chief's rattle to the swamps of Cienaga de Pijiño

Slowing down and relaxing will be the order of the day. On our tour through the colonial town of Mompós, we will walk along the trail of "El Dorado" - the Land of Gold. Mompós is located in the middle of the Magdalena Delta, a floodplain surrounded by countless lagoons, where, on the banks of the river you will be able to watch gold prospectors busy at work. The brown-green river slowly pushes past the Caribbean town full of white-painted colonial buildings, and everything else usually seems a little quieter here too.
This colorful town was given the unusual name "de Mompox" by the chief of the Indian tribe who was instrumental in its construction. In the past, this was a stopping place for gold. Gold was brought here by the Spaniards from the inland, before travelling on to the port city of Cartagena and then further on to Europe. Nowadays, Mompós is the home of some of the best craftsmen in the field of intricate gold jewelry. And we will be able to see how these beautiful pieces of jewelry are made, when visit a traditional workshop.
On this afternoon, we will take a boat trip to the Pijino swamps. The outboard motor will rattle as we'll glide along on the Rio Magdalena. These swamps are known for their rich flora and fauna. Large bird populations (hawks, herons, hummingbirds), but also many fish species as well as turtles, iguanas, armadillos, anteaters, sloths and capybaras live in this habitat, which is crisscrossed by streams and canals. Many of these species are endemic.
We will also be making a stop at a bathing spot, where you'll again have the opportunity to jump into refreshing water. The atmosphere above the marshes in the light of the glowing red sinking sun is usually unforgettable and we will end this evening in one of the cozy bars on the river bank.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel Casa Amarilla or equivalent in Mompós (Breakfast included)

Day 16 – Cartagena de Indias, the most beautiful colonial city in South America

On this day, we will experience a complete change of scenery, as we'll travel to Colombia's dreamlike Caribbean coast. Our journey will take us through a landscape characterized by cattle farming and through the Montes de Maria to Cartagena - Colombia's "Pearl of the Caribbean".
In colonial times, the city of Cartagena was once the archetype of a Caribbean port: Nowhere was more money earned from sugar cane, gold and the slave trade and no port was so often raided by pirates. To the present day, the city has remained a melting pot of cultures. Creole-Spanish, indigenous and African influences characterize the cityscape.
The multiculturality, the omnipresent aroma of Caribbean cuisine and the hot rhythms of the local cumbia music provide a constant positive sensory overload. You'll see it all for yourself on a city tour in the afternoon, when we will be able to stroll, relaxed, camera at the ready, through the citys historic alleys.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel Don Pedro De Heredia or equivalent in Cartagena (Breakfast included)

Day 17 – Colonial jewel and island hopping in the Caribbean on a catamaran

If you like, you will be able to explore this beautiful colonial town of Cartagena on your own or take an optional boat trip on a catamaran to the Islas del Rosario. The entire archipelago is surrounded by coral reefs and offers many Caribbean dream beaches on all the various islands. The boat trip will take you across the bay of Cartagena, past the spectacular skyline of the modern city district and into the national park.
While snorkeling, we will be able to admire the diverse underwater world with its colorful tropical fish and the many different types of coral, while the crew will prepare a delicious lunch on board. We will be able to soak up the Caribbean life from this new perspective.
In the afternoon, there will also be plenty of time for a stroll through Cartagena's alleys, along the city walls or through the trendy districts such as Getsemani, where delicious aguardientes (typical Colombian cocktails) are offered by small artfully improvised bars, directly in the lively alleys. In the many salsa bars in Getsemani, you will be able to turn night into day and let yourself be enchanted by the Caribbean rhythm of life!
Our overnight stay will be at the ***Hotel Don Pedro De Heredia or equivalent in Cartagena (Breakfast included)

Day 18 – Farewell to Colombia, the country where the only risk is that you want to stay!

On this day, a transfer will be organized to the airport in Cartagena and with many unforgettable experiences in our memories, we will start our journey home. (Breakfast included)

Extension: Tayrona National Park & Kogi Indians

Day 18 – On the trail of smugglers, pirates and Simon Bolivar - Santa Marta

While we drive along Colombia's Caribbean coast, every now and then we will catch glimpses of the sparkling turquoise sea. Finally, we will reach Santa Marta, the oldest surviving Spanish settlement on the continent!
The heart of the Tayrona culture and last residence of the South American independence fighter, Simón Bolívar, lies on the shores of Santa Marta Bay. Santa Marta Bay is a combination of not only Caribbean dream beaches and colonial flair, but also of incredibly breathtaking landscapes.
In the afternoon, there will be enough time to discover the colonial old town on your own accord before the evening, where we will all head out together to enjoy ourselves in a local salsa bar with live music.
Our overnight stay will be in ***(*) Hotel Suite Boutique El Cactus or equivalent (Breakfast included)

Day 19 – Through the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta to the remote village of the Kogi Indians

On this morning, we will first drive to a small village bordering the jungle of the Sierra Nevada, which will be our starting point for a hike to the remote village of the Kogis in the middle of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
After a 2-hour hike through beautiful nature, we will reach the hidden family village of the Kogis, situated in the jungle on a beautiful river beach. There, a jump into the crystal-clear, cool water will yet again offer wonderful refreshment. We will then spend the afternoon with the still somewhat shy families, watch the women making mochilas - the traditional bags of the Kogis - and play ball with the children.
On this afternoon, we will be able to hike to visit another Kogi village and, there, likely notice their children splashing in the river. If we are lucky, the village shaman might also appear at dusk and initiate us into the culture of the Kogi Indians.
Our overnight stay will be in the Huts of the indigenous Kogis in comfortable Hammocks (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner included)
A HEADS UP: Those who do not wish to take part in this excursion will be able to make the request on the day of arrival and then stay one night longer at the ***(*)Hotel Suite Boutique El Cactus in Santa Marta at no extra charge.

Day 20 – From the deepest jungle to Caribbean dream beaches

On this morning, we will likely be woken up by the sounds of the jungle. After breakfast, we will say goodbye to our kind hosts and drift comfortably on our boat, 13 kilometers deep through the tropical jungle, on a crystal-clear river, fed by the Sierra Nevada.
Soon after, we will be able to see the turquoise blue sea shimmering on the horizon. After an exciting night sleeping in hammocks, on this day we will stay on a spacious, family-run Finca, in a beautiful garden with its own Caribbean dream beach, pool and magnificent view of the Sierra Nevada. This is where the Caribbean Sea meets the snow-capped mountains. We will be in paradise!
Our overnight stay will be at ***(*) Hotel & Spa, Finca Barlovento Cabaña & Maloka (Breakfast included)

Day 21 – Hike in Tayrona National Park

After a short drive, we will reach El Zaino in the morning. It is the main entrance to Tayrona National Park. Over winding jungle paths, we will hike for about three hours through lush green vegetation down to the beach. Here and there, we will encounter a Kogi person in their white robe. You'll need to keep your eyes open for parrots, howler monkeys and beautiful butterflies as well! Once we have reached the beach, there will be time for us to take a swim and relax. Great photo opportunities also await you here.
In the late afternoon, we will again reach our beautiful Finca, where we will spend our last evening together.
Our overnight stay will be at ***(*) Hotel & Spa, Finca Barlovento Cabaña & Maloka (Breakfast included)

Day 22 – Farewell to Colombia, the country where the only risk is that you might want to stay!

On this day, a transfer will be organized to the airport in Santa Marta or Barranquilla and with the many unforgettable experiences in our memories, we will start our journey home. (Breakfast included)


NOT included