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The Last Mysteries of the Maya

Mexico, Guatemala, Belize

In the first millennium AD, the Maya had built up a considerable Empire and a highly developed culture in Central America: They were masters of art, architecture, mathematics and astronomy. Even before the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors, there had been a decline of the Empire, for which there is still no generally accepted theory. What remains is a multitude of archaeological sites that bear witness to the greatness of the Maya people. On this journey around the Mexican Chiapas and Yucatán, Guatemala and Belize, as well as the former British Honduras, you will gain exciting insights at these various locations into the Mayan heritage, with up-close contact with the direct descendants of the Maya!



Day 1 – Arrival in Cancún, Mexico (always on Saturdays) and a Drive along the Riviera Maya to Tulum

Upon arrival at the modern Cancún airport, we will be already awaited by our tour guide and driven to Tulum. This small town in the very south of the Riviera Maya, with its relaxed party atmosphere, delicious typical food and many hippie salsa bars, is the perfect place to first arrive in Mexico! It's Saturday and Latinos love to enjoy life with lots of music! We will immediately jump into the fray and try our first tacos and salsa dance steps!
Our overnight stay will be in Tulum in a small ***hotel. (No meals are included on this day.) Travel time: 1h40min (120km) / Walking time: 0h10min

Day 2 – Archaeological Park of Tulum, bathing in a Cenote and on Caribbean Dream Beaches

In the morning, we will drive to the most photographed Mayan temple complex in Mexico: The archaeological site of Tulum. It stands so proudly on a cliff above the turquoise blue Caribbean Sea, that its picture adorns many travel guides. We will take plenty of time to explore the site. From there, we will go to Cenote Azul, a former karst cave that had already been used as a well by the Maya, with "cenote" meaning "holy spring" in the Mayan language. There are hardly any tourists here, instead we will likely find many locals who let small fish "nibble" their feet in the refreshing water.
After this, we will continue to relax on one of the most beautiful palm beaches of the Riviera Maya: Xpuha, with its many small beach bars and restaurants. Before each meal, a portion of tortilla chips with various dips is usually served and the margarita is also highly recommended.
Our overnight stay will be in Tulum in a small ***hotel. (Breakfast included) Travel time: 1h45min (100km) / Walking time: 1h50min (3km)

Day 3 – Manatee Watching and Floating in the Maya Canal Sian Ka'an, Drive to Belize and Boat Trip to the Caye Caulker Island

Very, very early in the morning, we will go to have breakfast at the small Taqueria Honorio, a well-known local breakfast place. The specialty here is suckling pig slowly roasted for 12 hours in a specially prepared hole in the ground and well-seasoned in bread or fresh, hot corn tortillas.
Well nourished, we will then head to the Mayan canal Sian Ka'an at the lagoon of the same name. With our boat guide, a local Maya descendent, we will sail through the lagoon of Sian Ka'an until we reach the 12km long canal, which was built by the Maya hundreds of years ago. Here we will jump into the warm, turquoise water and float in our life jackets. Afterwards, with a little luck, we can observe crocodiles, dolphins and manatees from our boat.
After this, we will drive to the Belizean border. The crossing alone is an adventure... On the other side of the border, a different world will await us. The houses will suddenly look Caribbean. They are built on stilts, made of wood, painted in pastel colors and often have large verandas which are furnished with rocking chairs. Belize is a multiethnic country and Belizeans also speak a different tongue: Creole, a language with numerous, clearly recognizable English words.
We will drive all the way to Belize City. From there, we will take a water taxi to the small dream-like island of Caye Caulker in the Caribbean Sea. The small coral island, only 8km long and 2km wide, is a true paradise. There are no cars there. On Caye Caulker, everything is slower, cozy and simply relaxed: It is true to the motto "No shoes, no shirts, no problem". Here, you will feel free to walk barefoot like all the islanders, relax with a Sundowner in the famous "Lazy Lizard" bar and let your feet dangle in the water.
Our overnight stay will be on Caye Caulker in the ***(*) Hotel Barefoot or equivalent. (Breakfast included) Travel time: Minibus: 6h45min (300km) / Speedboat: 0h45min / Walking time: 0h30min

Day 4 – Relaxed, More Relaxed, Caye Caulker! Snorkeling Excursion by Sailboat with a Reggae Feeling!

After breakfast, we will board a sailboat to the second largest coral reef in the world, the Belize Barrier Reef. There we will stop at three different spots to snorkel alongside parrot fish, rays, barracudas and even nurse sharks! On the way, the captain and his crew will treat us to a delicious lunch and tropical cocktails accompanied by reggae music. We will return to Caye Caulker in the late afternoon and have the rest of the day to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of the island.
Our overnight stay on Caye Caulker will be at the ***(*) Hotel Barefoot or equivalent. (Breakfast & Lunch included) Sailing time: 3h30min / Walking time: 0h30min

Day 5 – Canoe Trip to the Mayan Cave Barton Creek, Visit to Old Mennonite Communities and Visit to a Small Casino

We will say goodbye to the casual rhythm of the Caribbean Island early on this morning and we will drive through orange plantations and beautiful, green hilly landscapes.
In the midst of this scenery, we will visit Mennonites of German origin, who make up 1/3 of the total population of Belize and get an insight into the daily life of their small local school, where we will talk to the students and their teachers. After our lunch, and after an adventurous drive partly through off-road terrain, we will reach the Mayan Barton Creek Cave where the Maya had made sacrifices to their Rain God and explore it by canoe. The grotto has a mystical air to it and it is only accessible by boat. Going at a leisurely pace in our canoe, we will glide slowly into the Mayan underworld.
In the evening, a visit to the casino in San Ignacio will be on the agenda! A small starting capital and all cocktails are included in the price!
Our overnight stay in San Ignacio will be at the **Marthas Guesthouse or equivalent. (Breakfast included) Travel time: Minibus: 4h30min (190km) / Speedboat: 0h45min / Canoe: 1h20min, Walking time: 1h00min (1km)

Day 6 – Drive to Chiquibul National Park to the Mayan Temples of Caracol and Guatemala

The remains of the ancient Mayan city of Caracol, located deep in the Mayan Mountains and in the dense jungle of Chiquibul, will be reached from San Ignacio after a very adventurous, approximately 3-hour drive over off-road and gravel roads.
Caracol is the Spanish word for "snail" and this largest archaeological site in Belize is enthroned on a plateau in front of the Mayan Mountains. The 41m high Caana Pyramid, also known as the Heavenly Palace, is the tallest building in the country. It offers an excellent view, with an opportunity to take great photos. Caracol was settled as early as 1200 B.C., but it reached its peak during the classical period between 485 and 889 A.D. It is estimated that over 115,000 people lived here at that time, all of whom mysteriously disappeared from one day to the next...
In the late afternoon, we will drive across the border into Guatemala to the Archaeological Park of Tikal. Our Jungle Lodge is located in the heart of the Tikal National Park, close to the entrance to the former Mayan Royal City (UNESCO World Heritage Site). The spacious bungalows are comfortably furnished and equipped with mosquito nets. In the evening, we will be able to listen to the myriad of animal sounds, such as to howler monkeys, coatis and toucans.
Our overnight stay is at the ****Hotel Jungle Lodge Tikal (Breakfast included) Travel time: 7h40min (340km) / Walking time: 2h00min (3km)

Day 7 – The Legendary Mayan Site of Tikal and its Mysterious End in the Year 889

For this day's highlight, we will set off early, and it will definitely be worth it, as we will be able to experience a sunrise on the top of a pyramid! We will climb up the rough boulders of the 65-metre-high Temple IV and let our eyes wander over the almost impenetrable sea of leaves surrounding the ruins. Slowly, the birds and howler monkeys will awaken and flocks of parrots will pass over the mist-shrouded jungle. The animals of the jungle will grow louder by the minute. Gradually, you will be able to make out the rising outline of the sun.
Even after sunrise, there are usually hardly any visitors there and so we will be able to calmly absorb the magic of this place.
The first traces of settlement date back to 900 BC! For a long time, scientists assumed that, at its peak, between 150,000 - 200,000 people lived in the ancient city. But just in 2018, the latest laser technology revealed 60,000 more buildings than were originally thought to be there. Thus, the estimated number of inhabitants was revised upwards, to 1 million.
Mysteriously, the culture died out in 889 and the jungle engulfed the city.
We will be able to appreciate the whole day in this monumental temple complex.
Our overnight stay will be at the ****Hotel Jungle Lodge Tikal (Breakfast included) Walking time: 5h00min (11km)

Day 8 – Border Crossing into Mexico to the Hidden Temples of Yaxchilan and the "Painted Wall" of Bonampak

On this day, we will start early in the morning and so we will receive a to-go breakfast box from the hotel. Still in the morning, we will reach the border river to Guatemala. Here we'll go by boat to reach the remote Archaeological Site of Yaxchilan. It is wonderfully situated in the deep jungle on a river bank and at a river bend. The site fascinates with its ancient buildings as well as its beautiful flora and fauna.
After the border formalities, we will continue for an hour to the Archaeological Park of Bonampak. The name Bonampak means "painted wall" in Mayan, and it is precisely these wonderfully preserved pre-Columbian paintings inside the ancient temples that are unique in this Maya area. They are among the most outstanding and excellently preserved works of art of the Late Classic Period (ca. 600-900) in pre-Columbian America.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***(*)Finca Vallescondido (Breakfast included) Travel time: Minibus 7h20min (360km) / Boat trip: 1h30min / Walking time: 2h30min (3km)

Day 9 – Immersion in the World of the Maya Lacandons

In the morning, we will drive on a rough gravel and sand road deep into the primeval forest, the "Selva Lacandona", where the last 700 endangered Lacandons still live very secludedly.
Among the Mayan descendants, the Lacandons are the last indigenous people who look "modern" on the outside, but the last ones who still maintain their centuries-old, traditional ways of life and religion. They call themselves "Hach Winik" - meaning "true people" or "real people". The ancestors of today's Lacandons fled from the Spanish to the jungle areas in the 18th and early 19th centuries, where they survived in isolation as kinds of forest nomads up until the modern times. As a result, they remained largely untouched by Christianity and other European cultural influences until 40 years ago. Their traditional dress is a straight-cut white linen dress, by which they are easily recognized. The men usually wear their long, uncut hair openly. They still maintain the old Mayan customs and their "medicine man" system is widespread. Tobacco plays a major role in many ceremonies, and women, men and even children smoke long cigars. The Lacandon pantheon is very complex and consists of gods of all kinds, ages and genders.
We will walk with a Lacandon man through his village, as he introduces us to the history but also to the present life of his community, which was built on an old jungle landing strip. If open, we will also let him show us their small school and the infirmary, originally built in 889 AD.
We will then cook lunch together with a Lacandon family and we'll also eat together! After this, we will take a short hike to an idyllically situated sacred lagoon, where we will row along the shore in small boats and observe the local tropical flora and fauna.
Our overnight stay will be at the ***(*) Hotel Chablis in Palenque. (Breakfast & lunch included) Travel time: Minibus 5h40min (210km) / Boat trip: 1h00min / Walking time: 2h30min (5km).

Day 10 – Mayan Temple of Palenque and the Colonial City of Campeche

After breakfast, we will drive deep into the jungle to the famous Mayan site of Palenque, which is usually surrounded by morning mist. A very special aura will let us be able to suspect the spirits of the Maya behind every temple of the imposing archaeological site. An unforgettable view will reveal itself to us when we'll arrive at the "Templo de las Inscripciones". Below us "the universe" will lie: A large square symbolizing the world sea, with the pyramids acting as a link between the underworld and the world of the gods.
After lunch, we will continue to Campeche. The friendly and charming colonial town is a real insider's tip. Here we will likely only meet a few travelers and we will have the opportunity get to know the real Mexican way of life, away from mass tourism. After a tour of the old town and a visit to the city wall, we can then enjoy the relaxed flair of the colonial city in the evening.
Our overnight stay will be in Campeche at the ***Hotel Plaza Colonial or equivalent. (Breakfast included) Travel time: 5h50min (400km) / Walking time: 1h00min (2km)

Day 11 – Pink Flamingos in Celestún, the Hacienda Yaxcopoil and Colonial Mérida

In the morning, we will drive to the small fishing village of Celestún. Even before the Spanish arrived, the Mayans mined salt in the lagoon here. Flocks of pink flamingos stalk along the shallow shore and nest here, especially from March to August, but during the rest of the year they can also be spotted in smaller groups in this lagoon, a UNESCO biosphere reserve. Carefully, we will approach in small boats to observe these stunning animals in their natural environment.
Afterwards, we will have lunch in one of the small restaurants directly on the beach, which is beautifully lined with coconut palms. Who will then fancy a dip in the refreshing water?
The next stop of the day will be the ancient Hacienda Yaxcopoil, which was one of the most important sisal haciendas in Yucatán in the 17th century. You will feel transported back into the ancient history of the hacienda, while you marvel at the original furnishings of the inhabitants and landlords of that time!
In the afternoon, we will head out to the colonial pearl and city of Mérida. Our accommodation will be very centrally located and together we will start with a first walk through of the center of the city. On this night, we will immerse ourselves in Mérida's nightlife - and see young and old meet in the squares where there are plenty of good restaurants and bars.
Our overnight stay will be in Mérida at the ***Hotel Casona61 or equivalent. (Breakfast included) Travel time: Minibus 5h00min (300km) / Boat trip: 1h30min / Walking time: 1h30min (2km).

Day 12 – City Tour of Mérida, the Yellow City of Izamal and the Kukulcán Pyramid in Chichén Itzá

We will explore the colonial city on foot and will get to know the main buildings around Mérida's Plaza Grande, such as the cathedral, the city hall, the government palace and the boulevard Paseo de Montejo.
After lunch, we will drive to the "yellow town" Izamal. It is off the beaten track and is a pretty little town with the largest enclosed church square in the Americas. We'll walk onto the platform of a pyramid and visit the largest monastery complex in Yucatán, built by Franciscan monks with its very pyramids stones. On a tour, we will explore the small town, which captivates with its numerous buildings painted golden yellow.
A little later, we will reach Chichén Itzá. This ruin is one of the best-maintained Mayan sites and has been voted one of the "New Seven Wonders of the World". Here, an impressive Kukulcán pyramid, several smaller temples and ruins of various buildings lie amidst dense jungle.
We will visit the temple complex after sunset, when all the daily traders have disappeared and all the temples are bathed in a wonderful light. The mystical atmosphere will take us back to a time when the Maya lived there, as we walk around the enigmatic "stone witnesses" to history. The highlight will be the Kukulcán pyramid, where we will take our seats and, with the accompaniment of classical music, let ourselves be enchanted by the arguably most breathtaking laser show in Latin America.
Our overnight stay will be at Chichén Itzá at the ***Hotel Okaan or equivalent. (Breakfast included) Travel time: Minibus 2h30min (150km) / Walking time: 3h30min (5km).

Day 13 – The Holbox Paradise

After we have explored the Chichén Itzá temple complex again, we drive on to Holbox,. After a delicious lunch at a local restaurant, we arrive in Puerto de Chiquilá and board a small ferry to travel to Holbox. Holbox is a true natural paradise with white sandy beaches, turquoise blue water, colorful hammocks, and other lounging options in the form of fishing boats or floating beds directly on the beach. It also boasts swings as seating in bars, good music, the most delicious breakfast at a French Bakery in the morning, and fresh fish with garlic and a Sol beer at noon, complete with reggae music on the beach. Later in the evening, you can enjoy breathtaking sunsets at its beach bars together with lovely people from all over the world. Sometimes you can even spot dolphins on the horizon. In this paradise, we will be able to relax for the next few days!
Our overnight stay will be on Holbox at the ***Hotel Villas Margaritas Apartments & Suites or equivalent. (Breakfast included) Travel time: Minibus 3h00min (200km) / Ferry ride: 0h30min / Walking time: 0h20min

Day 14 – Sheer Relaxation on Holbox and a Farewell Evening with Cocktails on the White Palm Beach

The name of the island comes from the Mayan language and means something like "black hole". There are no annoying car noises, as bicycles or small golf carts are the means of transport on the island. Instead, there are endless white sandy beaches and sandbanks embedded in the crystal-clear, turquoise sea, lined with green palm trees that all invite you to linger.
The smell of freshly grilled fish and lobster will waft from the simple, authentic beach bars. A few seagulls and pelicans will stare out into the expanse of the sea, occasionally perched on wooden stilts, in search of a snack... and you'll be in the middle of it all. You will be able to close your eyes and let your mind fully wander.
Our overnight stay will be on Holbox at the ***Hotel Villas Margaritas Apartments & Suites or equivalent. (Breakfast & Dinner with Cocktails included), Travel time by boat: 1h30min.

Day 15 – End of the trip

Your holiday in the Mayan Empire will be coming to an end. On this day, your guide will bring you back to Cancún in time for your flights. Even though this trip will be ending, the great memories will stay with you forever.
(Breakfast included) Travel time: Minibus 2h00min (150km) / Ferry ride 0h30min / Walking time: 0h20min


NOT included

Approx. 100 USD for entrance fees and national park fees; Approx. 85 USD for entry/exit fees in Mexico, Guatemala and Belize as well as tips, personal expenses, optional excursions and all meals and drinks not included during hotel stays (approx. 600 USD). SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE!

Important notes